This is probably an easy question.
I am populating a list from an array using the arraytolist function. Then I go ahead and display the list using the cfloop tag. My delimiter is ~N~. When the items are displayed, I lose the first character if the first character of the item is in the delimiter.
My question: Is the delimiter limited to only one character for effective use?
I would rather use a delimiter longer than one character.
My code is attached.
Thanks for any help.
<cfset lstChoices = arraytolist(session.choices[session.currentquestionnumber],"~N~">
<cfloop list="#lstChoices#" index="indChoices">
I am populating a list from an array using the arraytolist function. Then I go ahead and display the list using the cfloop tag. My delimiter is ~N~. When the items are displayed, I lose the first character if the first character of the item is in the delimiter.
My question: Is the delimiter limited to only one character for effective use?
I would rather use a delimiter longer than one character.
My code is attached.
Thanks for any help.
<cfset lstChoices = arraytolist(session.choices[session.currentquestionnumber],"~N~">
<cfloop list="#lstChoices#" index="indChoices">