My database has 3 tables, tblQuestionnaire, tblWorkAreasLink, tblWorkAreas.
e.g. within a paper Questionaire, a respondee can select multiple areas of work. All the available areas I have put into tblWorkAreas. As there is a many to many relationship between tblQuestionnaire & tblWorkAreas, I have put in the 'link' table tblWorkAreasLink containg primary key details for both tables
e.g. in tblWorkAreasLink there may be
questionnaireID workAreaID
1 2
1 5
2 2
2 6
3 4
4 2
In the frmQuestionnaire Form, I would like to have a LIST BOX, showing all the available choices, so the user can highlight multiple relevant Work Areas. The Work Areas highlighted would then be stored in the 'link' table. I'm at a loose end as I can get the LIST BOX to show the values from the tblWorkAreas easily enough - but can't seem to link into & save the selected data to the 'link' table.
Would really appreaciate any help. Its my first job & using Access for the first time & would like to make a good impression!!
Many thanks
e.g. within a paper Questionaire, a respondee can select multiple areas of work. All the available areas I have put into tblWorkAreas. As there is a many to many relationship between tblQuestionnaire & tblWorkAreas, I have put in the 'link' table tblWorkAreasLink containg primary key details for both tables
e.g. in tblWorkAreasLink there may be
questionnaireID workAreaID
1 2
1 5
2 2
2 6
3 4
4 2
In the frmQuestionnaire Form, I would like to have a LIST BOX, showing all the available choices, so the user can highlight multiple relevant Work Areas. The Work Areas highlighted would then be stored in the 'link' table. I'm at a loose end as I can get the LIST BOX to show the values from the tblWorkAreas easily enough - but can't seem to link into & save the selected data to the 'link' table.
Would really appreaciate any help. Its my first job & using Access for the first time & would like to make a good impression!!
Many thanks