I am new to javascript and asp and I am having problems submitting all the objects selected by the user to another page. I have two dependent list boxes and two radio buttons. when the user selects an item from the first list box the second is populated with the pertinent data from a database. I can info through the form without the second list box, butwith two I have to repost the new data to the same page. How can I send the data via a submit button? javascript? any help would be nice. here is my code.
<form name=form method=post action="agingwo.asp">
<p><font size=5>Aging Work Order Form</font><br><br>
<P>Sort By</P>
<input type=radio name=sort value="wo_request_date" checked>Date
<input type=radio name=sort value="wo_number">Work Order #<br>
set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection"
set objrs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset"
conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=;UID=;PWD="
sql= "select distinct ftr_description, wk_title, wk_start_date, wk_last_name, wk_first_name, wk_id_code from f_trades, f_personnel where wk_ftr_fk = ftr_pk and wk_active = 'YES'"
objRS.Open "select sh_name from f_shops", conn
if Request("cboPrimary"
= "" then
shop= objRS("sh_name"
shop = Request("cboPrimary"
end if
<select name=cboPrimary size=1 onChange="form.submit();" >
<%while not objRS.EOF
varShop = objRS("sh_name"
<option value="<%=varShop%>" <%if shop = varShop then Response.Write " SELECTED"%>><%=objRS("sh_name"
<% objRS.MoveNext
objRS.Open "select ftr_description from f_trades, f_shops where ftr_sh_fk = sh_pk and sh_name = '" & shop &"'", conn
<select name=cboSecondary size=1>
<%while not objRS.EOF
varShop = objRS("ftr_description"
<option value="<%=varShop%>"><%=objrs("ftr_description"
<% objRS.MoveNext
set objRS.ActiveConnection = nothing
set objRS = nothing
<input type=button value="Go" action="aging_wo.asp">
<form name=form method=post action="agingwo.asp">
<p><font size=5>Aging Work Order Form</font><br><br>
<P>Sort By</P>
<input type=radio name=sort value="wo_request_date" checked>Date
<input type=radio name=sort value="wo_number">Work Order #<br>
set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection"
set objrs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset"
conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=;UID=;PWD="
sql= "select distinct ftr_description, wk_title, wk_start_date, wk_last_name, wk_first_name, wk_id_code from f_trades, f_personnel where wk_ftr_fk = ftr_pk and wk_active = 'YES'"
objRS.Open "select sh_name from f_shops", conn
if Request("cboPrimary"
shop= objRS("sh_name"
shop = Request("cboPrimary"
end if
<select name=cboPrimary size=1 onChange="form.submit();" >
<%while not objRS.EOF
varShop = objRS("sh_name"
<option value="<%=varShop%>" <%if shop = varShop then Response.Write " SELECTED"%>><%=objRS("sh_name"
<% objRS.MoveNext
objRS.Open "select ftr_description from f_trades, f_shops where ftr_sh_fk = sh_pk and sh_name = '" & shop &"'", conn
<select name=cboSecondary size=1>
<%while not objRS.EOF
varShop = objRS("ftr_description"
<option value="<%=varShop%>"><%=objrs("ftr_description"
<% objRS.MoveNext
set objRS.ActiveConnection = nothing
set objRS = nothing
<input type=button value="Go" action="aging_wo.asp">