I tried to save a content of a list box to a text file in VB 6 i write the code like this
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
For i=0 To Listbox1.ListCount-1
Print #1, Listbox1.List(i)
Close #1
Now i want to use savefiledialog in VBNET so when i click save button, the app show save file dialog and save the content of a list book in a desired name and path
and how to open that text file so i can load it later using openfile dialog..
any sugestion please
(i know this is silly Question but i don't find any good clue in MSDN online help )
Open "c:\temp.txt" For Output As 1
For i=0 To Listbox1.ListCount-1
Print #1, Listbox1.List(i)
Close #1
Now i want to use savefiledialog in VBNET so when i click save button, the app show save file dialog and save the content of a list book in a desired name and path
and how to open that text file so i can load it later using openfile dialog..
any sugestion please
(i know this is silly Question but i don't find any good clue in MSDN online help )