Hi there,
I (re)build the FM emample of the webstore which comes with the Filemaker 5 package. A customer use the combination of HTML and CDML to shop in the store. In a database called "Orders" there are orderitems listed in a portal. These items come from the database "Orderitems". Now I want to make a calculation field in the database "Orders" which is able to list all items from the portal. I need this field as a body text for further email confirmation. Is there a way to do this?
I (re)build the FM emample of the webstore which comes with the Filemaker 5 package. A customer use the combination of HTML and CDML to shop in the store. In a database called "Orders" there are orderitems listed in a portal. These items come from the database "Orderitems". Now I want to make a calculation field in the database "Orders" which is able to list all items from the portal. I need this field as a body text for further email confirmation. Is there a way to do this?