I purchased a "used" Thinkpad 600X and will be installing a new Toshiba 7K60 hard drive into the 600X.
I did not want to pay for Windows XP Home Edition and Office Pro 2003 (my cost for both $370.00).
I looking into Yoper 2.1 and found that this may be what I am looking for. I want to have "fast bootup time" and fast shut down time. I have will 576mb of memory and a Pentium III 650MHZ; Belkin 54G PCMCIA card and will have a 7200rpm 8meg cache hard drive; Toshiba 6372 4XDVD burner in the 600X.
I will be using the 600X to 1) Surf the internet 2) Word processing 3) burning music into CDs 4) Watching DVD movies. 5) Playing simple non-grapic intense games!
Can someone tell me just how long it will take to to boot up in seconds or compare Yoper to Windows XP(faster/slower by how much) and how is Open Office 1.11? in opening and closing programs since it is one shell that all open office uses?
Bootup is when the screen appears! I know Windows XP cheates in that it is still booting after the screen appears.
Any other comments concern Linux Yoper is appreciated; how hard is the installation take? That one of the reasons I shy away from it in the first place. Heard stories of having to hunt down drivers across the world and normal install time takes 2 to 3 days working 18 hours a day trying to compile it and testing and then re-programning, etc...! I am willing to spend a day time trying to install it! That is my limits!
I have "never" fooled around with Linux before; or even seen a Linux OS!
I did not want to pay for Windows XP Home Edition and Office Pro 2003 (my cost for both $370.00).
I looking into Yoper 2.1 and found that this may be what I am looking for. I want to have "fast bootup time" and fast shut down time. I have will 576mb of memory and a Pentium III 650MHZ; Belkin 54G PCMCIA card and will have a 7200rpm 8meg cache hard drive; Toshiba 6372 4XDVD burner in the 600X.
I will be using the 600X to 1) Surf the internet 2) Word processing 3) burning music into CDs 4) Watching DVD movies. 5) Playing simple non-grapic intense games!
Can someone tell me just how long it will take to to boot up in seconds or compare Yoper to Windows XP(faster/slower by how much) and how is Open Office 1.11? in opening and closing programs since it is one shell that all open office uses?
Bootup is when the screen appears! I know Windows XP cheates in that it is still booting after the screen appears.
Any other comments concern Linux Yoper is appreciated; how hard is the installation take? That one of the reasons I shy away from it in the first place. Heard stories of having to hunt down drivers across the world and normal install time takes 2 to 3 days working 18 hours a day trying to compile it and testing and then re-programning, etc...! I am willing to spend a day time trying to install it! That is my limits!
I have "never" fooled around with Linux before; or even seen a Linux OS!