We reciently brought down our old Linux Internet servers to replace it with new hardware (487 day uptime, nice). Anyway, the old server was an old RedHAT 6.0 install with kernel 2.0.21. We've replaced that with a bran new server running Linux Fedora Core 3 kernel 2.6.9.
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to work with IP tables and port forwarding. I have been all over the net and it's really confusing. Why can't it just be simple like ipchains, one command and that's that. Anyway, If anyone could help, all I really want to do is forward an incoming port on my server to a port on one of my client machines.
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to work with IP tables and port forwarding. I have been all over the net and it's really confusing. Why can't it just be simple like ipchains, one command and that's that. Anyway, If anyone could help, all I really want to do is forward an incoming port on my server to a port on one of my client machines.