Hello:<br><br>I'm running Linux 6.1 Pro with Apache-SSL and MySQL.<br><br>Every Sunday night at 4am the server seems to restart its services.<br><br>I'd like to either stop or control this.<br><br>Any suggestions?<br><br>ScottA
Take a look in the cron files in /etc/. If memory serves, on RedHat you wil have /etc/cron.daily, /etc/cron.weekly, etc. Take a look in cron.weekly - you will probably find the item that is restarting the various services.<br><br>I would leave it in, though. The reason it is there is to stop and restart long running processes. If one of these processes has a memory leak somewhere, stopping and restarting will free up the memory that has been wasted. <br><br>You might also find that some long running services only close their log files when they are stopped and started. (ie, if you did a "cp /dev/null /a/log/file", the next time the log file is written to it would appear to be the same size. This is because the program in charge of the log file maintains a pointer to the current physical position in the file. When it writes it's next log entry, it writes to it's current position. If you have cleared down the log file, or moved it somewhere else, this write will create <i>x</i> null characters before it's next write point.)<br><br>So, from a systems admin point of view it's probably a good idea to leave the weekly stops and starts alone.<br><br>For more details on cron, look at the <FONT FACE=monospace>man</font> pages for cron and crontab. <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>--<br>
0 1 - Just my two bits
I took a look and there is only one file there and it only does some kind of file locking and unlocking.<br><br>Anyone have any other ideas?<br><br>Thanks,<br>ScottA
You might want tolook in the /var/spool/cron for an entry. Also, using crontab -e while logged in as root will display the contents in edit mode. This entry is separate from the /etc/cron.x files.
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