I currently use the foolish but so-far effective solution of knowing that most virii are written for the Windows platform and fail miserably on linux. I combine that with the very effective (on any platform) solution of not opening any email attachments unless I know exactly what it is beforehand and not installing software from unknown or suspicious sources. I used that method for years on Windows and never got a virus. Additionally, the stricter permissions on linux means that any virus executed accidentally in the user space cannot contaminate system files and usually severely limits its replication and destructive capabilities. Together these make for a fairly effective defense against virii on linux.
If you want to spend the extra memory and cpu cycles running an antivirus program, and spend the time to keep it up-to-date, knock yourself out. Unfortunately, I don't know of any to help you. Try
TopDawg, if your system is on all the time, and connected to the internet, worry about your firewall first. Prevention is easier than detection and elimination.
Also, any software needs can be taken care of at SourceForge, or the GNU homepage... Free, open source, software is less likely to contian virii or have security flaws. Also updates to vulurabilities happen faster than with large companies, but you din't get the same kind of update serive with most Open-source code and little to no tech-support.
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