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Linux Firewall With 2000 Network

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Apr 15, 2002
Need some help.
I have a windows 2000 lan with about 300 clients.
Im running the following servers, Exchange, SQL, IIS, Faxfile, Of course my domain controllers and a "Proxy".

Recently upgraded the proxy 2.0 to the ISA Server and am not very happy. I would like to introduce a linux firewall onto the network and maybe squid as the proxy. Is this possible? Can all 300 clients authenticate through the linux, off a 2000 Network.

Any help or websites would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance
There are various firewall distributions as well as configuring it yourself. If you're willing to pay (for 300 users it won't be too cheap) then astaro.com is VERY good (it has a proxy and mail relay built in). Also there is smoothwall - there are two versions, corporate and GPL. Also ipcop - a fork of smoothwall.
Squid should manage the job, i have run the squid on a LAN with about 300 clients, divided on win98 to win2k clients.

You can always pay for a proxy server of course but quite honestly i really can't see any good reason for it.

Squid WILL be fine - the authentication me be a problem however because it can take a lot of administration if you want to inmplement username and password authetication...

If you put squid on the same box as the firewall then it would not be too difficult to make it a transparent proxy meaning you could implement access control lists, usage stats and so on with great ease.

I have seen squid serving thousands of users at ISP level running on very low spec hardware.

Definately - do it today!!

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