In order to access the internet through our linux suse 10 firewall firewall builder automatically changes the default gateway on the internal network card to the external card ip. In order for the firewall to work in the VLAN environment that we have running i need to add another default gateway to the internal network card that points to the vlan interface ip to allow the other pcs in the vlans to access the internet through the firewall. Ive used the route add -net default gw .. dev eth1 command but then the NAT doesnt work. Any ideas would be appreciated
In order to access the internet through our linux suse 10 firewall firewall builder automatically changes the default gateway on the internal network card to the external card ip. In order for the firewall to work in the VLAN environment that we have running i need to add another default gateway to the internal network card that points to the vlan interface ip to allow the other pcs in the vlans to access the internet through the firewall. Ive used the route add -net default gw .. dev eth1 command but then the NAT doesnt work. Any ideas would be appreciated