Ok, The situation is that our internal network runs through a firewall into our isp network, it is only a small isp with 6 dial in lines for our clients. The problem is that I would like to have a news port and a telnet port open so as I can join news groups and telnet into clients but cannot do this due to the stringent secruity within the firewalls and the fella who used to look after the ISP and Web Hosting has now left the company, so there is just me who does the sys admin off instructions he had left me. I myself am learning Linux at home in my spare time aswell as at work doing the isp admin, so i know enough to get me by apart from the firewall with only 4 ports open into my internal network. The firewall machine is a sparc 5 station I think which boots up via a boot disk. Is there anyway that I could edit this firewall easily to open a few more ports into this network, ask me more specific questions if you need more info to help out
NEo81 >
NEo81 >