I've got a couple of Red Hat Linux 9.0 boxes, a desktop and a laptop, And recently bought RH Enterprise Linux 3 for some new systems I put together (Intel and AMD) but I've not yet done anything with audio on any of these systems, and have not yet installed the Enterprise Linux.
What's the state-of-the art with music on a Linux machine these days? Where to I go for information about software apps and compatible sound cards? What's the most Linux-friendly audio file format these days? Are there any open-source jukeboxes out there?
I could also, (and perhaps would prefer to) develop my own custom application in C, but don't know where to begin for doing that on a Linux system. I did music on computers way, way, waaaaay back in the old days (so I'm not averse to interfacing with the hardware if it comes to that, depending on what's involved), but nothing since.
Informative book recommendations on this topic/hardware manufacturer contacts are also welcome.
I've got a couple of Red Hat Linux 9.0 boxes, a desktop and a laptop, And recently bought RH Enterprise Linux 3 for some new systems I put together (Intel and AMD) but I've not yet done anything with audio on any of these systems, and have not yet installed the Enterprise Linux.
What's the state-of-the art with music on a Linux machine these days? Where to I go for information about software apps and compatible sound cards? What's the most Linux-friendly audio file format these days? Are there any open-source jukeboxes out there?
I could also, (and perhaps would prefer to) develop my own custom application in C, but don't know where to begin for doing that on a Linux system. I did music on computers way, way, waaaaay back in the old days (so I'm not averse to interfacing with the hardware if it comes to that, depending on what's involved), but nothing since.
Informative book recommendations on this topic/hardware manufacturer contacts are also welcome.