i am a total novice to linux, ive never used it, basicly what i would like to have is an old server i have (intel x86) to run linux, i would like it to have all of its drives as ntfs aswell, and to be able to appear as a station in an 2k based system, reason being is that i would like to have a few large hard drives in there and allow departments to compress files and dump them on this server, i would like ntfs so that i can set permissions on the drive for certain deps etc, this is all it would do, a bit of a do it yourself nas device really. can anyone throw in any sugestions of any images i could use and where to download them etc?
Marc Marc Turner
Network Manager
E-Mail: Mturner@turnerm3.fsnet.co.uk
Marc Marc Turner
Network Manager
E-Mail: Mturner@turnerm3.fsnet.co.uk