I'm thinking of giving linux 2.6 a try. I'm not the most technical of users, but I'm no newbie either. I usually use whatever the latest version of Redhat is. I have with some difficulty built a 2.4 based kernel before. I was wondering if there is anything I should be aware of before I try building a 2.6 kernel. Also, will I need to rebuild gnome, kde, X, or any other pieces of software to get them to work with the new kernel? Also, is it okay to start with a Redhat 9.0 system or should I install another distro? I have enough room to install something else (currently I have SuSE on the extra space, but I never use it).
Oh, also, I'm running a P3-1 GHz with whatever built-in video is on the motherboard and 512 MB of RAM.
any tips much appreciated. My apologies for not searching the forum first; if there's another thread related to this, please direct me to it.
Oh, also, I'm running a P3-1 GHz with whatever built-in video is on the motherboard and 512 MB of RAM.
any tips much appreciated. My apologies for not searching the forum first; if there's another thread related to this, please direct me to it.