I have used Linq with MsSql and now I want to use it with MySql.
I add a Linq to Sql class to my project and create a database connection, in the database explorer, to my MySql database. When I drag a batabase table to my linq class I get the message ...
"the selected objects use an unsupported data provider" ...
The properties of my connection show it using 'MYODBC3.DLL" as the driver. The data provider is '.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC'.
I can inspect the tables of my mysql connection including the data in those tables so I don't know why it is not a supported data provider.
I add a Linq to Sql class to my project and create a database connection, in the database explorer, to my MySql database. When I drag a batabase table to my linq class I get the message ...
"the selected objects use an unsupported data provider" ...
The properties of my connection show it using 'MYODBC3.DLL" as the driver. The data provider is '.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC'.
I can inspect the tables of my mysql connection including the data in those tables so I don't know why it is not a supported data provider.