I know I'm missing something here, but don't appear to be able to see the wood from the trees!!
I have a dead basic report that shows, ff4 (dept), invoice number, invoice amount, amount_open, standard_queries.code and a formula called TrueAmount. The formula field is a thus:
if {standard_queries.code} = 'Q02' then 0 else {invoices.amount_open}
The problem being, and I'm pretty sure its to do with the links, it that, if in the formula field there is no query code, but an amount_open, the formula returns a 0 instead of the amount_open. e.g:
dept, invoice number, invoice amount, amount_open, standard_queries.code, TrueAmount
01, AB1, 528.00, 528.00, Q07, 528.00
05, CB1, 329.00, 329.00, ,
The formula should be showing 329.00 for the last line under 'TrueAmount', but isn't! It basically not returning the amountopen for all those invoices that don't have a query against them.
Here's the links, crystal generated, but altered by me:
SELECT "debtor_freefields"."ff4", "invoices"."invoice_number", "invoices"."invoice_date", "invoices"."amount_invoice", "invoices"."amount_open", "standard_queries"."code"
FROM ((("OnGuard"."dbo"."debtor_freefields" "debtor_freefields" INNER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."debtors" "debtors" ON "debtor_freefields"."debtor_id"="debtors"."id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."invoices" "invoices" ON "debtors"."id"="invoices"."debtor_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."queries" "queries" ON "debtors"."id"="queries"."debtor_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."standard_queries" "standard_queries" ON "queries"."standard_query_id"="standard_queries"."id"
Here's the formula for the 'TrueAmount':
if {standard_queries.code} in ["Q08", "Q10", "10", "CC02", "CC03"] then 0 else {invoices.amount_open}
What am I missing?!
I know I'm missing something here, but don't appear to be able to see the wood from the trees!!
I have a dead basic report that shows, ff4 (dept), invoice number, invoice amount, amount_open, standard_queries.code and a formula called TrueAmount. The formula field is a thus:
if {standard_queries.code} = 'Q02' then 0 else {invoices.amount_open}
The problem being, and I'm pretty sure its to do with the links, it that, if in the formula field there is no query code, but an amount_open, the formula returns a 0 instead of the amount_open. e.g:
dept, invoice number, invoice amount, amount_open, standard_queries.code, TrueAmount
01, AB1, 528.00, 528.00, Q07, 528.00
05, CB1, 329.00, 329.00, ,
The formula should be showing 329.00 for the last line under 'TrueAmount', but isn't! It basically not returning the amountopen for all those invoices that don't have a query against them.
Here's the links, crystal generated, but altered by me:
SELECT "debtor_freefields"."ff4", "invoices"."invoice_number", "invoices"."invoice_date", "invoices"."amount_invoice", "invoices"."amount_open", "standard_queries"."code"
FROM ((("OnGuard"."dbo"."debtor_freefields" "debtor_freefields" INNER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."debtors" "debtors" ON "debtor_freefields"."debtor_id"="debtors"."id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."invoices" "invoices" ON "debtors"."id"="invoices"."debtor_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."queries" "queries" ON "debtors"."id"="queries"."debtor_id") LEFT OUTER JOIN "OnGuard"."dbo"."standard_queries" "standard_queries" ON "queries"."standard_query_id"="standard_queries"."id"
Here's the formula for the 'TrueAmount':
if {standard_queries.code} in ["Q08", "Q10", "10", "CC02", "CC03"] then 0 else {invoices.amount_open}
What am I missing?!