This is the problem:
I have two projects. One project using win32 application (it's a server program). Another is a regular project that will open up an .txt file. Eventually, what I wanted to do is to have server wait for a message from the client (On the other computer). After the server receive a message, it will triggered some line, so that the other project will open up the .txt file. However, even after I tried to make one project dependent on the other, it still doesn't work.
I have tried to put all two projects into one project, but it complains since the server/client do require win32 application project but the opening file mechanism do not require win32. As a result, how should I approach this problem? Is there a way such that the two program can talk to each other? Thanks, it will be a great help.
This is the problem:
I have two projects. One project using win32 application (it's a server program). Another is a regular project that will open up an .txt file. Eventually, what I wanted to do is to have server wait for a message from the client (On the other computer). After the server receive a message, it will triggered some line, so that the other project will open up the .txt file. However, even after I tried to make one project dependent on the other, it still doesn't work.
I have tried to put all two projects into one project, but it complains since the server/client do require win32 application project but the opening file mechanism do not require win32. As a result, how should I approach this problem? Is there a way such that the two program can talk to each other? Thanks, it will be a great help.