In one table I have a 6 digit number(called cusip) that refers to bonds traded in the USA. In another table I have the cusip of these bonds as reported by another database, however the format of the cusip in the other database is not 6 digits. sometimes it is 3 sometimes 4 sometimes 5 and sometimes 6 .To let my question clearer I will refer to the cusip of 6 digits as cusip6 and the incomplete cusip as CusipIncomplete. If for example the cusipIncomplete is 3 digits these 3 digits are not necessarily the first 3 digits of the corresponding cusip6 . they could be in the start or middle or the end. However, these 3 digits are present consecutively in cusip6 .I am wondering if there is a way to link the cusip6 and cusipIncomplete columns. I hope the question is clear.
In one table I have a 6 digit number(called cusip) that refers to bonds traded in the USA. In another table I have the cusip of these bonds as reported by another database, however the format of the cusip in the other database is not 6 digits. sometimes it is 3 sometimes 4 sometimes 5 and sometimes 6 .To let my question clearer I will refer to the cusip of 6 digits as cusip6 and the incomplete cusip as CusipIncomplete. If for example the cusipIncomplete is 3 digits these 3 digits are not necessarily the first 3 digits of the corresponding cusip6 . they could be in the start or middle or the end. However, these 3 digits are present consecutively in cusip6 .I am wondering if there is a way to link the cusip6 and cusipIncomplete columns. I hope the question is clear.