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Linking to achors in frames

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Aug 31, 2004
I have a page set up to use a "return to top" link to return to an anchor point at the top of the page. This works great as a stand alone page, but when I load it into the frameset I have designed the link doesn't work.

Here is the code for the frameset -

<frameset rows="110,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> 
  <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="topmenu.html" >
  <frameset cols="181,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> 
    <frame name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="leftNav_1.html">
    <frame name="mainFrame" src="homepage.asp">

and here is the code for the page, targeted to mainFrame -

<script language="JavaScript">
function showLink(name)
 window[name+"Div"].style.visibility = "visible";

<form name="formName" method="post" action="file:///G|/[URL unfurl="true"]wwwroot/PDGApps/AppFiles/ASPFiles/OnlineTraining/PCG/Fa_Rookie/MainMenu/Thanks.asp"[/URL] onsubmit="this.mission.value=this.textareaName.value;alert(this.mission.value);">
							<input type='hidden' name='mission'>
								<a name="textarea1"><TEXTAREA ROWS="10" COLS="65" name="textareaName"></textarea></a>
							<p class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>Create your <font color="#cc0000">Mission Statement</font></b></font></p>
							<p class="style20"><i>(insert questions from pyramid materials here)</i></p> 
							<p class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>Best Practice Examples from FAs</b></font></p>
							<table class="style20" width="100%">
									<td width="3%" valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox" value="Our mission is to assist successful individuals and families in achieving their financial objectives. It is only through an understanding of our clients and their goals that we can truly provide them superior service and financial solutions.">
									Our mission is to assist successful individuals and families in achieving their financial objectives. It is only through an understanding of our clients and their goals that we can truly provide them superior service and financial solutions.
									<div id="checkboxDiv" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox2" value="Our mission is to provide objective financial advice and guidance with the highest level of professional service in building and perserving wealth for our clients.">
									Our mission is to provide objective financial advice and guidance with the highest level of professional service in building and perserving wealth for our clients. 
									<div id="checkbox2Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox3" value="Our philosophy is based on the proactive process of capturing opportunity while managing risk. It is our mission to skillfully guide our clients' portfolios to meet their near and long-term objectives by navigating them through changing markets.">
									Our philosophy is based on the proactive process of capturing opportunity while managing risk. It is our mission to skillfully guide our clients' portfolios to meet their near and long-term objectives by navigating them through changing markets. 
									<div id="checkbox3Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>

Am I doing something wrong? Do links to anchor points even work in frames?
don't nest the <TEXTAREA> inside the <A> tag. use it like this instead:
<A name="textarea1"></A>
<TEXTAREA rows="10" cols="65" name="textareaName"></TEXTAREA>
That said, I'm not convinced that is why your link isn't working.

Works for me, assuming that script and form are in the same page. No problems with frames at all.

Btw. replace window[name+"Div"] with document.getElementById(name+"Div") ... this will work in all browsers.

Un-nesting the textarea makes sense, but doesn't help with the link problem.

And yes, the script and form are on the same page, all within the mainFrame.

When I F12 from Dreamweaver to check the page they work fine, when I open the frameset page and check, the links produce blank pages.

I'm completely at a loss as to why this is happening. I can't see any reason for it to not be working.
And when you open homepage.asp without DW preview and without frameset, what happens?
no URL, all pages are currently offline

the links work fine, up until i open the page in the frameset, that's why i was thinking that it had something to do with the frames

I agree with the getElementById recommendation. When I offered window[cat+"Div"] in another post, I KNEW there was a better way, but it just wasn't coming to me.

I tried the code you posted inside of a FRAMESET (just like the one you showed above) and it seems to work for me.

What exactly are the symptoms? What happens when you click one of these new links that appear?

When I'm viewing the page in the frameset and click on the link, instead of going back to the anchor point, it shows a blank page - no text, no nothing.

When I view the page without the frameset the links work fine to the anchor points.
I cannot imagine what could be wrong. The only thing I could say is post all your code (even the left nav stuff) and let us try to recreate the problem ourselves. If we could recreate the problem, we could try to fix it. Right now, just using these snippets you've posted, the code works fine for me.

Post it all and let's see what we can come up with.

K, here is the code -

Frameset page
<title>Wachovia Securities - PracticeMAX</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_reloadPage(init) {  //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
  if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
    document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
  else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
// -->
<frameset rows="110,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> 
  <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="topmenu.html" >
  <frameset cols="181,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> 
    <frame name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="leftNav_1.html">
    <frame name="mainFrame" src="homepage.asp">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">

left nav menu
<title>Wachovia Securities - PracticeMAX - Left Navigation</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
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'NAME: Crystal Bannon
'DESC: Script to open sub-menu options in outline form
'DATE: August 31, 2004
TD.format A:active
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TD.format A:link
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TD.format A:visited
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>

function fnDispThis(active)
for (i=1; i < constMaxItem+1; i++)
	if (i!=active)


<table BORDER="0" align="center" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" height="">
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
    <td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(3)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="homepage.asp" target="mainFrame">PracticeMAX Home</a></B></td>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
    <td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(2)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section1.asp" target="mainFrame">Define 
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
	  <td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(1)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section2.asp" target="mainFrame">Advise Clients</a></B><br>
		<DIV id="sub1" style="Display:'NONE';">
		   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="section2.asp" target="mainFrame">Introduction</a><br>
		   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="section2a.asp" target="mainFrame">Understand your goals</a><br>
		   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="section2b.asp" target="mainFrame">Develop a plan</a><br>
		   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="section2c.asp" target="mainFrame">Implement solutions</a><br>
		   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="section2d.asp" target="mainFrame">Evaluate progress</a><br>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
		<td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(4)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section3.asp" target="mainFrame">Service Clients</a></B></td>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
		<td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(5)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section4new.asp" target="mainFrame">Business Goals</a></B></td>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
		<td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(6)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section5.asp" target="mainFrame">Develop New Business</a></B></td>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
		<td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(7)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section6.asp" target="mainFrame">Manage the Practice</a></B></td>
			<img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
		<td class="format" onclick="fnDispThis(8)" style="Cursor:HAND;"><B><img src="images/PMbullet.GIF"> <a href="section7.asp" target="mainFrame">Advance Knowledge &amp; Skills</a></B></td>
	<td><img src="images/PMdoublebar.GIF" width="245" height="10"> 
  <tr valign="top">
    <td height="100%" bgcolor="#7f97c0"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
        <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="contact.html" class="style1">Contact Us </a></td>

main frame content
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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html {
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;

'Name: Crystal Bannon
'Desc: Script to populate checkbox choices into textarea for editing 
       when checked and remove when unchecked.
'Date: Sept. 1, 2004

<!--first form-->
<script language="JavaScript">
function updateTextarea(cb)
 var taValue = document.formName.textareaName.value;
  if(taValue != "")
   taValue += " ";

  taValue += cb.value; //APPENDS checked value to textarea
 }//end if
 else //checkbox is not checked
  if(taValue.indexOf(cb.value) > -1)
   taValue = taValue.replace(cb.value, "");//removes UNchecked value once
  }//end if
 }//end else

 taValue = taValue.replace(/\s+/g, " "); //reduces multiple spaces to single spaces
 if(taValue.indexOf(" ") == 0)
  taValue = taValue.substring(1);
 document.formName.textareaName.value = taValue;
}//end function

'Name: Crystal Bannon
'Desc: Script to pop-up new window from link
'Date: Sept. 21, 2004

<script language="javascript">
function Start(page) {
OpenWin = this.open(page, "CtrlWindow", "resizable=yes");

'Name: Crystal Bannon
'Desc: Script to make visible hidden 'return to top' link for checkboxes
'Date: Sept. 21, 2004

<script language="JavaScript">
function showLink(name)
 window[name+"Div"].style.visibility = "visible";

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

<table width="100%">
		<table width="100%" cellpadding="20" >
  <tr valign="top">
    <td><table width="100%">
        <tr valign="top">
          <td><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL unfurl="true"]http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0"[/URL] width="540" height="120" align="middle">
              <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
              <param name="movie" value="flash/flashmenu.swf" />
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              <embed src="flash/flashmenu.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="540" height="120" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"[/URL] />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="center" ><p class="style29"><font size="+2"><b>Define Mission for <i>Joe Sample</i></b></font></p></td>


<table width="100%" border="0">
	<p class="style20">A <font color="#cc0000">Mission Statement</font> describes how you define the purpose of your practice. Creating your <font color="#cc0000">Mission Statement</font> will help you to articulate the essence of what you do for clients and can be placed in your practice brochure, on your website, in client presentations and letters and, of course, presented in client discussions.</p>
    <td width="75%">
		<table width="100%">
					<a name="Sec1OtherFAcomments"></a><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>What other FAs have 
                      to say</b></font> </td>
					<p class="body">
						<table align="center" width="100%">
								<td valign="middle" align="center" width="33%">
									<img src="images/Multimedia_1.jpg" width="120" height="83" border="0">
								<td valign="middle" align="center" width="33%">
									<img src="images/Multimedia_2.jpg" width="120" height="91" border="0">
								<td valign="middle" align="center" width="33%">
									<img src="images/Multimedia_3.jpg" width="120" height="83" border="0"><p></p>
							<tr class="style20">
								<td align="center">Building your Business<br>with PracticeMAX
                    <td align="center">FAs Discuss DMA<br>
                      Best Practices </td>
								<td align="center">Why Envision?

					<a name="Sec1CreateMyOwn"></a><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        <td class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>Show me examples 
                          and let me create my own <font color="#cc0000"><font color="#cc0000">Mission 
							<a href="javascript:Start('section1help.asp')";>Need help?</a>
					<a href="instructions.asp"></a>
					<p class="style20">Review the questions below and write your <font color="#cc0000">Mission Statement</font> or click and edit from the examples below. You may find the right fit for your practice by combining aspects of more than one of the examples.<br>
						<!--first form-->
						<form name="formName" method="post" action="file:///G|/[URL unfurl="true"]wwwroot/PDGApps/AppFiles/ASPFiles/OnlineTraining/PCG/Fa_Rookie/MainMenu/Thanks.asp"[/URL] onsubmit="this.mission.value=this.textareaName.value;alert(this.mission.value);">
							<input type='hidden' name='mission'>
								<a name="textarea1"></a>
								<TEXTAREA ROWS="10" COLS="65" name="textareaName"></textarea>
							<p class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>Create your <font color="#cc0000">Mission Statement</font></b></font></p>
							<p class="style20"><i>(insert questions from pyramid materials here)</i></p> 
							<p class="style27"><font size="+1"><b>Best Practice Examples from FAs</b></font></p>
							<table class="style20" width="100%">
									<td width="3%" valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox" value="Our mission is to assist successful individuals and families in achieving their financial objectives. It is only through an understanding of our clients and their goals that we can truly provide them superior service and financial solutions.">
									Our mission is to assist successful individuals and families in achieving their financial objectives. It is only through an understanding of our clients and their goals that we can truly provide them superior service and financial solutions.
									<div id="checkboxDiv" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox2" value="Our mission is to provide objective financial advice and guidance with the highest level of professional service in building and perserving wealth for our clients.">
									Our mission is to provide objective financial advice and guidance with the highest level of professional service in building and perserving wealth for our clients. 
									<div id="checkbox2Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox3" value="Our philosophy is based on the proactive process of capturing opportunity while managing risk. It is our mission to skillfully guide our clients' portfolios to meet their near and long-term objectives by navigating them through changing markets.">
									Our philosophy is based on the proactive process of capturing opportunity while managing risk. It is our mission to skillfully guide our clients' portfolios to meet their near and long-term objectives by navigating them through changing markets. 
									<div id="checkbox3Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox4" value="Our mission is to help our clients and their families reach their financial goals by providing comprehensive financial planning, creative solutions and sound investment strategies that help provide financial freedom and preserve wealth for future generations.">
									Our mission is to help our clients and their families reach their financial goals by providing comprehensive financial planning, creative solutions and sound investment strategies that help provide financial freedom and preserve wealth for future generations. 
									<div id="checkbox4Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox5" value="Our mission is to help our clients make smart decisions with their money so they can spend their time doing the things they care about most.">
									Our mission is to help our clients make smart decisions with their money so they can spend their time doing the things they care about most.
									<div id="checkbox5Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox6" value="Our mission is to help our clients achieve financial peace of mind.">
									Our mission is to help our clients achieve financial peace of mind.
									<div id="checkbox6Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox7" value="Our mission is to provide comprehensive financial advice and portfolio management, individually designed for each client, and delivered with the highest level of personal service and professional integrity.">
									Our mission is to provide comprehensive financial advice and portfolio management, individually designed for each client, and delivered with the highest level of personal service and professional integrity.
									<div id="checkbox7Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox8" value="We manage the financial opportunities and risks of our clients throughout their lives. We do so through a close-knit working relationship and prudent, comprehensive investment strategies tailored specifically to the client.">
									We manage the financial opportunities and risks of our clients throughout their lives. We do so through a close-knit working relationship and prudent, comprehensive investment strategies tailored specifically to the client.
									<div id="checkbox8Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox9" value="To help our clients achieve and maintain their preferred future.">
									To help our clients achieve and maintain their preferred future.
									<div id="checkbox9Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox10" value="To provide comprehensive wealth management consulting to help our clients realize their lifetime dreams.">
									To provide comprehensive wealth management consulting to help our clients realize their lifetime dreams.
									<div id="checkbox10Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox11" value="To provide sound investment advice and the highest level of personal service to help our clients achieve their investment and personal goals.">
									To provide sound investment advice and the highest level of personal service to help our clients achieve their investment and personal goals.
									<div id="checkbox11Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox12" value="Our mission is to build life-long client relationships built on a foundation of trust and client satisfaction. Our value is built on our experience and knowledge of financial and estate planning, investments, and financial markets. We work with our clients to formulate a comprehensive financial plan, implement that plan, and provide ongoing guidance and direction. As we help our clients accomplish their ultimate individual and family goals, our focus never wavers from what is important - you, our client.">
									Our mission is to build life-long client relationships built on a foundation of trust and client satisfaction. Our value is built on our experience and knowledge of financial and estate planning, investments, and financial markets. We work with our clients to formulate a comprehensive financial plan, implement that plan, and provide ongoing guidance and direction. As we help our clients accomplish their ultimate individual and family goals, our focus never wavers from what is important - you, our client.
									<div id="checkbox12Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox13" value="Our mission is to work together with our clients to help them achieve their financial goals. We will use our extensive resources to offer sound research and financial advice. We take pride in our high level of professionalism and our standard of ethics. At no time do we forget whose money and whose future is in our hands. Your trust and confidence are our guides.">
									Our mission is to work together with our clients to help them achieve their financial goals. We will use our extensive resources to offer sound research and financial advice. We take pride in our high level of professionalism and our standard of ethics. At no time do we forget whose money and whose future is in our hands. Your trust and confidence are our guides.
									<div id="checkbox13Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox14" value="Our mission: to develop and execute a comprehensive and successful investment program that addresses your short- and long-term goals in coordination with your legal and accounting advisors.">
									Our mission: to develop and execute a comprehensive and successful investment program that addresses your short- and long-term goals in coordination with your legal and accounting advisors.
									<div id="checkbox14Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox15" value="Our financial advisory practice is designed to help you live the one life you have in the best way you can without undue financial sacrifice or overexposure to risk.">
									Our financial advisory practice is designed to help you live the one life you have in the best way you can without undue financial sacrifice or overexposure to risk.
									<div id="checkbox15Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox16" value="Our mission is to combine the strength and heritage of our firm with insight, concern and experience of our team to provide clients objective, individualized advice and service that can help them define and achieve their long-term financial goals.">
									Our mission is to combine the strength and heritage of our firm with insight, concern and experience of our team to provide clients objective, individualized advice and service that can help them define and achieve their long-term financial goals.
									<div id="checkbox16Div" style="visibility:hidden"><a href="#textarea1">Click here to return to top</a></div>
									<td valign="top">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="updateTextarea(this);if(this.checked)showLink(this.name);" name="checkbox17" value="Our mission - to create exceptional value for our clients through a deep commitment to service, to provide knowledgeable advice, sincere counsel, and ongoing consultative process that exceeds our clients' expectations.">
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Looks like it's an issue not with the frames but with the fact that they are .asp pages. Works fine for me when I create duplicate html pages, just now my asp functions don't work.
If ASP code generates extra HTML everything is possible, though this way we can guess until sun goes supernova. Ya really don't have online example?

Also... overflow-x/y over HTML tag won't work in IE below version 6.0.
I can't recreate the problem either. I don't know if it'll matter any, but I forgot to ask for topmenu.html. For the sake of completeness, how about posting that.

I'm going to move this question over to the asp forum since that seems to be the issue. Maybe a good asp expert can help figure it out.

topmenu code -

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
"[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">[/URL]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Wachovia Securities - PracticeMAX - Header</title>
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
	color: #59709A;
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
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<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
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I added the topmenu.html to what I've got and everything still functions correctly (as I suspected it would), so: Sorry! Good luck in the ASP forum!

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