Help! I need an "out-of-the-box thinker to help me work through a problem...
Here's what we ultimately need to do. We extensively use Powerpoint presentations (.pps) during our classroom briefings. We
have numerous reference documents (created in Adobe Framemaker that already have embedded "named destinations") that
would be VERY useful to bring up during our discussions. We need to be able to hyperlink directly to a named destination.
Best case, our instructor runs the Powerpoint, clicks on a hyperlink, which opens Adobe Reader (and the respective .pdf file)
directly to the specific Named Destination. Ultimately; the solution would have to run on a local server.
I understand Powerpoint cannot do this directly. We have tried hyperlinking to a web page and then using an html "redirect" to
open the .pdf directly to the named destination. Got OK results on Netscape, but, since we are using a local server, no luck
on IE. Unfortunately, IE is our resident browser, so I'm in a pickle.
Here's my question: Can a javascript (or some other background script that will work with .pps) be created to run when a
webpage is opened that would open the .pdf to a named destination "outside" of the browser. Or maybe you have another
Ultimately; the solution would have to run on a local server.
Thanks in advance for anything you can offer.