Technical User
I created a sub report that is supposed to put the ship to info in the sub report. The report is all in the details section all other sections are suppressed. The name of the ship to in the format field the hyperlink tab has website on the internet and hyperlink info formula is “object:Organization” + Trim({organization.organizationid})The parameters has Pm-OHEAD.OHSHIP as the name and the organizationlocation.locationid is equal to ODEAD.OHSHIP the other parameter name QHEAD.QHEADCUST and the organizationlocation.organizationid is equal to QHEAD.QHEADCUST. This formula is added into the formula workshop record selection. The other parameters are the phone number and fax number. When I select the change sub report link and go to the data base and quote contact organization id and select the sub report parameter QHEAD.QHEADCUST I cannot select the report field in the sub report to use. The same when I select the database quote contact location id the sub report QHEAD.QHEADSHIP cannot select the report field in sub report. When print I get the info of the quote but not the ship to when it is a different location.