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Linking tables

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I am having a problem with linking tables:

My two tables are an Employee Table with an Employee number as the key index and a Employee Time Table with an index of Employee number.

I want to give the tables a 1 to many link using Employee Number (different name in the two tables) but when I create a link and go to the link options, the 'Look up all of one, then all of the other' radio box is disabled.

Could someone please help, I would really appreciate it.
My tables are coming from SQL server if this helps. Also, if I look at the tables from SQL server, it has indexes but in Crystal, it does not show any indexes.
Hi try left other joint in your link tables
I think this is due to the odbc driver problem. I've face this problem before which when I connect to db2 database I can select any one of the linking option. But if I connect to informix database, all the linking option being disable.

Anyway, you can try to edit the SQL query in the report and change the linking manually. You can change to left outer join instead of equal join.


The "When Linking 2 files..." Frame is SUPPOSED to be grayed out when you're using SQL Server. The SQL Join Type frame gives you the join options.

You don't have to do anything. The default Equal Join is going to give you a 1->M relationship between the two tables.

If you want all Employee table records REGARDLESS of whether there are matching Employee Time records, change the join to a LEFT JOIN.
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