Hi I am a new with Crystal report
I have 2 tables for the same database. The location and pallet table. I want to show only the locations for which no pallet is available. In the table pallet are pallet from history that have a value zero. If such a record is available the location should show that no pallet is available.
Location table Pallet table Result
A Pallet: I Qty 2 Do not display
B Pallet: II Qty 0 Display loc on rep
C No record Display loc on rep
How should I do this in a report?
I have 2 tables for the same database. The location and pallet table. I want to show only the locations for which no pallet is available. In the table pallet are pallet from history that have a value zero. If such a record is available the location should show that no pallet is available.
Location table Pallet table Result
A Pallet: I Qty 2 Do not display
B Pallet: II Qty 0 Display loc on rep
C No record Display loc on rep
How should I do this in a report?