I have 3 tables linked as follows:
OPERATION with an equal join to OPERATION BINARY , and OPERATION with a left outer join to REQUIREMENT. This was working fine but I need to add one more table. I need to add a table called PART as an equal join to REQUIREMENT. When I do this, the report acts like my left outer join between OPERATION and REQUIREMENT is set to be an equal join. (Only records from OPERATION with matching records in REQUIREMENT show up.)
OPERATION with an equal join to OPERATION BINARY , and OPERATION with a left outer join to REQUIREMENT. This was working fine but I need to add one more table. I need to add a table called PART as an equal join to REQUIREMENT. When I do this, the report acts like my left outer join between OPERATION and REQUIREMENT is set to be an equal join. (Only records from OPERATION with matching records in REQUIREMENT show up.)