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Linker error in Microsoft C++ 1

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Oct 21, 2000
Does anyone know why I'm getting this error when linking this program. It compiles OK, just fails when linking:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16

Here's the program I'm working on:

//A simple game of guess the number

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

#include <cstdlib>

#include <iomanip>

#include <ctime>

int main()
int num, guess=0;
char play='y';
srand (time(0));

while (play='y'){
num= rand() % 1000;
cout<< num;

cout<<&quot;I have a number between 1 and 1000.\n&quot;;
cout<<&quot;Can you guess my number? \n&quot;;
cout<<&quot;Please type your first guess.\n&quot;;

while (guess != num){

if( guess > num){
cout<<&quot;Too high. Try again.&quot;;
else {
cout<<&quot;Too low. Try again.&quot;;
cin>> guess;

cout<<&quot;Excellent! You guessed the number!\n&quot;;
cout<<&quot;Would you like to play again(y or n)\n&quot;;
cin>> play;

return 0;



for what it's worth,..

Does your compiler support win16 if so have you compiled as a win 16 then changed to a win 32 target?, BC++ 5 would do this if you changed target and recompiled this is an issue of the cache containing the previous targets references, to fix change the code a bit and recompile or delete the pre-compilied object files.

HTH [sig]<p>Robert Dwyer<br><a href=mailto:rdwyer@orion-online.com.au>rdwyer@orion-online.com.au</a><br>[/sig]
Thanks for replying.
My compiler only supports WIN 32 so I am unable to change to a WIN 16. Do you have any other suggestions as to how I can fix this error?

EM [sig][/sig]
Hi EM,

Like i don't know why i didn't notice before it's been a while since i fired up c++ zzzz) whats your target??
this looks like a console type app so you don't have a winmain() change the target to console its looking for a reference to winmain()

HTH [sig]<p>Robert Dwyer<br><a href=mailto:rdwyer@orion-online.com.au>rdwyer@orion-online.com.au</a><br>[/sig]

Guess what! I got it to work. I just trashed the old workspace and created a new one and it worked fine. Thanks for your help though! I really appreciate it. :)
EM [sig][/sig]
Is very easy to fix. You need to create a Win32Console Applicatio but no a Win32 application. If you can't change, create an empty Win32 console application and add the source files. Also you can creae a Win32 Application, but instead main you must use WinMain
EM -

Like Robertd and JohnFill said, when you create a new project in MSC++, you need to choose what type of project to create. If you choose &quot;Win32 Application&quot;, then that's a true Windows app, and there's a ton of overhead you must type in before you can even do something as simple as display a message (buy the Charles Petzold book to get a start on this). For your project, you need to select &quot;Win32 Console Application&quot;, where you can do traditional C development.

If you want to save some time in the link step, hit Alt-F7 in your project and go to the &quot;link&quot; tab. You can remove a lot of the libraries at the end of the list (from shell32.lib to odbccp32.lib) since you won't be calling them.

You can see what Win32/c/c++ functions require which libraries by opening the WIN32API.CSV file (on my machine it's in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib). Use Excel or 1-2-3 to open it, and it'll make viewing and searching it easier.

Chip H.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain.....
is a tipical project's error. It mean you created a WinAPI project. The functions cout, cin are not supported in WinAPI programs. The function main can be supported only if you change the options about the primary thread (_CRTStartup) what call the function WinMain from your program.
By the way, if you want to use MFC in console programs, you must change also in Project->Settings->General->Using MFC(as a shared DLL or as a static link library).
The program you made is a tipical console application and the function WinMain have nothing to do there. You can remove, change, add any library without any effects. The type of project is wrong.
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