An existing report provides information relating to<br>failed loan applications. A simple 'yesterday' pre-defined condition is<br>used based upon trunc(sysdate-1) for the loanapplicationinvalid.dateloaded.<br><br>It is becoming apparent that this condition excludes cases where any of the<br>invalid details are changed after the intial application process. The<br>dateloaded field is only set at the initial application stage. So I need a<br>last updated date field to check on. Unfortunately there isn't one in this<br>database. However, in another database which also holds loan information<br>(but not enough information for me to base my universe off it) there is a<br>lastupdateddate field.<br><br>So! I've created a very simple child universe with the one table that has<br>the lastupdateddate field and have linked that into the main parent<br>universe. Fortunately both have accno in common.<br><br>I now want to change my yesterday condition syntax to read as follows:<br><br>loanapplicationinvalid.dateloaded = trunc(sysdate-1) or<br>otheruniversetable.lastupdateddate = trunc(sysdate-1)<br><br>But Designer (4.1.6) is unhappy, giving a ORA-00942 :table or view does not<br>exist. Clicking on the Tables...button shows both tables have been<br>highlighted. So Designer seems to support what I am doing until I try to<br>parse it, at which point no joy.<br><br>Any suggestions, I can't get the lastupdateddate added to the original<br>table.<br><br>cheers, Nick <p> Nick<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>If it's Data Warehousing or related then I want to know - but post it to the forum!