The programm I install with Wise needs Microsoft .Net framework 1.1. I've set it in "Sytem Requirements" but I don't want to embundle it in my release. To help my customers, I'd like to propose them a link to Microsoft's site when ".net missing" pop up opens. For now, I'm only able to write a text with the web site adress but it's not clickable. I can't even copy the adress to the clipboard...
Does anyone know how to include a link in this pop-up ? The top class would be to give a name to this link, avoiding a :
Thanks a lot
The programm I install with Wise needs Microsoft .Net framework 1.1. I've set it in "Sytem Requirements" but I don't want to embundle it in my release. To help my customers, I'd like to propose them a link to Microsoft's site when ".net missing" pop up opens. For now, I'm only able to write a text with the web site adress but it's not clickable. I can't even copy the adress to the clipboard...
Does anyone know how to include a link in this pop-up ? The top class would be to give a name to this link, avoiding a :
Thanks a lot