a user clicks a search button that, if there are criteria matches, opens another window that displays the matches.
next to each match is a link...
this works fine except i would like the link to close the current 'search' window and refresh the parent window with the link above
thanks MG
a user clicks a search button that, if there are criteria matches, opens another window that displays the matches.
next to each match is a link...
<a href=<%Response.Write refrer & "?cusid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_cusid)& "&carid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_carid)& "&bookst=" & Server.URLEncode(x_bookst)& "&bookend=" & Server.URLEncode(x_bookend) & "&motid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_motid)& "&motdate=" & Server.URLEncode(x_datetxt)& "&x_stockreg=" & Server.URLEncode(x_stockreg) & "&x_stockmakeid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_stockmakeid) & "&x_stockmodid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_stockmodid) & "&franid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_franid)%> target="_blank"><img src="images/gotobut.gif" width="37" height="14" border="0"></a>
this works fine except i would like the link to close the current 'search' window and refresh the parent window with the link above
thanks MG