I'd like to know how to make an image/button blend in on mouseenter...
im using lingo for school and im not sure how its done :s
i have this script from my tute:
if i change mouseenter to enterframe it will blend the way i want it to, but when i set it so that the blending only happens when mouseenter, it doesnt work :s
please help guys!
P.S would anybody know how to make a button which makes the player play the frames in reverse?
i found this on the internet:
but it gives me an error when i paste it onto a sprite button
sorry guys i must sound like an idiot!
I'd like to know how to make an image/button blend in on mouseenter...
im using lingo for school and im not sure how its done :s
i have this script from my tute:
property mySprite
property isFadeIn
on beginSprite me
mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
isFadeIn = false
on mouseenter me
if(isFadeIn = false) then
mySprite.blend = mySprite.blend - 2
if (mySprite.blend = 0) then
isFadeIn = true
end if
mySprite.blend = mySprite.blend + 2
if (mySprite.blend = 100) then
isFadeIn = false
end if
end if
if i change mouseenter to enterframe it will blend the way i want it to, but when i set it so that the blending only happens when mouseenter, it doesnt work :s
please help guys!
P.S would anybody know how to make a button which makes the player play the frames in reverse?
i found this on the internet:
global gDirection
on exitFrame me
if gDirection = #forward then
go to the frame + 1
else -- #backward
go to the frame - 1
end if
but it gives me an error when i paste it onto a sprite button