ACS R6.0 processor with Partner Messaging PC (small)
The system is shared by two groups, same company. Group 1 (extensions 10 through 13) uses lines one through 4, no line ownership needed, group 2 (extension 14) uses line 5. line extension needed. Can I create a line ownership for extension 14 owning only line 5? When a call comes in on line 5 will it ring directly to Extension 14 and if not answered will it go to extension 14's voice mail box?
The system is shared by two groups, same company. Group 1 (extensions 10 through 13) uses lines one through 4, no line ownership needed, group 2 (extension 14) uses line 5. line extension needed. Can I create a line ownership for extension 14 owning only line 5? When a call comes in on line 5 will it ring directly to Extension 14 and if not answered will it go to extension 14's voice mail box?