Hi All,
Crystal Reports 10.
I have two formula fields right next to each other. Both formula fields have visible borders on all four sides, and there's some overlaping of the borders. I want to display a vertical line right in between the two fields, so I put a line in. The problem is that the line appears behind the borders of the formula fields. Is there any way to force the line to be displayed on top of the formulas? I tried using "Send To Back" on the fields to no avail.
I really wouldn't want to use another formula field with a border on one side (simulating a line) because I already have over 60 similar formulas in the report. Any ideas?
To get the best response to a question, read faq222-2244.
Crystal Reports 10.
I have two formula fields right next to each other. Both formula fields have visible borders on all four sides, and there's some overlaping of the borders. I want to display a vertical line right in between the two fields, so I put a line in. The problem is that the line appears behind the borders of the formula fields. Is there any way to force the line to be displayed on top of the formulas? I tried using "Send To Back" on the fields to no avail.
I really wouldn't want to use another formula field with a border on one side (simulating a line) because I already have over 60 similar formulas in the report. Any ideas?
To get the best response to a question, read faq222-2244.