I've used the Tax Line Draw Font for years in building
Tax Forms. The trouble is that it's hard if not impossible
to upload this set of fonts (several proportional and
the line draw graphics) to an ink-jet.
Of course, for the box drawing characters, you can just
use Ec(10U and then the normal box draw characters are
available. But this doesn't include some nice little
graphics that are in the line draw font.
I've made some subroutines to emulate
1) Large Arrow (144H wide 240H high) (2 characters x 2 lines at 10cpi)
2) small arrow (72H wide and 60H high (1 character x 1/2 line at 10cpi
3) and a small box (just using the boxdrawing characters)
that is used for putting a check mark or X in.
the arrows are filled in arrows (just the head) and both
point to the right.
So far this has enabled me to convery most forms so that
they will print on a laser or ink-jet.
Tax Forms. The trouble is that it's hard if not impossible
to upload this set of fonts (several proportional and
the line draw graphics) to an ink-jet.
Of course, for the box drawing characters, you can just
use Ec(10U and then the normal box draw characters are
available. But this doesn't include some nice little
graphics that are in the line draw font.
I've made some subroutines to emulate
1) Large Arrow (144H wide 240H high) (2 characters x 2 lines at 10cpi)
2) small arrow (72H wide and 60H high (1 character x 1/2 line at 10cpi
3) and a small box (just using the boxdrawing characters)
that is used for putting a check mark or X in.
the arrows are filled in arrows (just the head) and both
point to the right.
So far this has enabled me to convery most forms so that
they will print on a laser or ink-jet.