I need add line chart on my page. I cannot use applet because my user do not have a java plug-in.
Is it possible to do it with javascript?
May be you know some inexpensive product that create a chart and could be located on server?
sure, you could do it with javascript...but you need to have the data to generate the chart first, which i'm guessing will come from a database, and if so it would be easier to create the chart server-side.
i would accomplish either method using a <div> X pixels high to represent your data
Lining up rows of divs or columns of spans would create bar charts. If that's what you want, you can produce nicer effects by stretching tiny images in the same way.
The only way I can see of making a true line graph would be to use vectors (VML) which is supported by MSIE without plugins but I'm fairly sure Gecko cannot render this.
I do use use VML and I know it can draw the line graph using text values, but I haven't used it in that way so hopefully someone with more experience will come along and answer
>>>when you said <div> you min bar code?
no, i mean <div> with a specific width or height, like
<div style="background:#ff0000; width:20px; height:150px;"></div>
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