We have an 'off the shelf' Windows Application.
I'm using Classic ASP to post an XML string to my database and trying to induce a line break (to be seen in the Windows Application itself).
1. I have tried using \n and also \r\n (inside the string):
but they simply appear exactly as they are when viewed in the Application (no line break).
2. I have tried using 
 (inside the string):
but this does not induce a line break, it simply displays as a box (□)
3. I have tried vbCrLf
but this doesn't actually seem to do anything (has no effect).
4. I have also tried using CDATA which I know nothing about...
but this just places <br> or <br /> in the string (no line break).
Does anybody have any other suggestions?
I'm using Classic ASP to post an XML string to my database and trying to induce a line break (to be seen in the Windows Application itself).
<%@ language="vbscript" codepage="65001"%>
stringXML = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"
stringXML = stringXML & "<SOAPENV:Envelope "
stringXML = stringXML & "xmlns:SOAPENV=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope""[/URL] "
stringXML = stringXML & "xmlns:SOAPENC=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding""[/URL] "
stringXML = stringXML & "xmlns:xsi=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"""[/URL]
stringXML = stringXML & "xmlns:xsd=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"">"[/URL]
stringXML = stringXML & "<SOAPENV:Body>"
stringXML = stringXML & "<MyTag>Line break ### test</MyTag>"
Set httpRequest = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
httpRequest.Open "POST", "[URL unfurl="true"]http://MyServer.com",[/URL] False
httpRequest.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
httpRequest.SetRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(stringXML)
httpRequest.Send stringXML
1. I have tried using \n and also \r\n (inside the string):
stringXML = stringXML & "<MyTag>Line break \r\n test</MyTag>"
but they simply appear exactly as they are when viewed in the Application (no line break).
2. I have tried using 
 (inside the string):
but this does not induce a line break, it simply displays as a box (□)
3. I have tried vbCrLf
stringXML = stringXML & "<MyTag>Line break " & vbCrLf & "test</MyTag>"
but this doesn't actually seem to do anything (has no effect).
4. I have also tried using CDATA which I know nothing about...
stringXML = stringXML & "<MyTag><![CDATA[Line break <br> test]]></MyTag>"
but this just places <br> or <br /> in the string (no line break).
Does anybody have any other suggestions?