I think I have tried all the obvious but I am still not getting the solution I need. I have a pipe delimited (|) text file that has 211 fields and approx 15,000 records that I need to link to and then ultimately export a number of files out as pipe delimited files based on a number of queries. I do this kind of thing all the time and run night time macros to produce the files. The only diffrence is that all the other files I have all have less than 150 fields, so the error has never happened. The problem is when I try and export the file I get an error which states "Field 143 contains a start position of 32806, the maximum start position allowed is 32767." I've managed to find out why and it's that Access 2003 (the version I'm using) automatically creates a field length of 255 characters for each field, hence 255 x 143 = 36465, which is past the maximum character length that Access will export to any given line. I can go into Tools -> Options and set the Default Field Length to say 25, but it does nothing to the actual field sizes. The weird thing is that I can export the query in a macro to excel in a tab seperated format and it sends the needed files out. The unacceptable solution to that is the data files now have in the first line FIELD 1 FIELD 2, etc. and the data is in tabbed format instead of pipe delimited. Ultimately it's not the end of the world because I can write a shell script to strip the first line and change the tabs to pipes, but it's just so many steps it's ridiculous.
I also tried to copy the table format and define the field lengths at 30 and tried an append or make table query, but when I try and copy/paste the table structure I get the same error, or if I try and define the table in the beginning with smaller field lengths, I get an error that says Too Many Fields. Go figure! I've got to believe that if their is a solution it's an easy one, I just don't know what it is? The only two options I have past finding and answer is to use the Excel solution I have or learn SQL and I just don't have the time to tackle that monster.
Any thougths on this would be mucho appreciated.
I also tried to copy the table format and define the field lengths at 30 and tried an append or make table query, but when I try and copy/paste the table structure I get the same error, or if I try and define the table in the beginning with smaller field lengths, I get an error that says Too Many Fields. Go figure! I've got to believe that if their is a solution it's an easy one, I just don't know what it is? The only two options I have past finding and answer is to use the Excel solution I have or learn SQL and I just don't have the time to tackle that monster.
Any thougths on this would be mucho appreciated.