I have created a scheduler of sorts for an automotive company.
What I have done is ...
Created a Main Form that has 5 subforms, each corresponding to (i.e. containing) the 5 weekdays (i.e. they have daily scheduling information).
Each subform has a half hour range (from 7:30 to 5:30), and a check box, as an indicator of more detail being present.
To see the "more detail" or add "more detail", you just double click the half hour range, and a pop up form appears on your screen.
I have developed form to build the calendar information for the weekly schedule. It builds a month of information at a time. I have one table that determines which months of which years have already been built, another table for the date / day information (date, weekdayname, week#, weekdaynumber, ect), and another table that contains the daily schedule information (half hour segments, appointment type, customer name, ect).
My dilema, is that I have setup the subform so that they run on a query based on the Day of the Week (i.e. 5 subforms, 5 days of the Week).
How do I ...
1. How can a user select the default schedule, which would be based on the current week# (which can be gotten from the curent date (using DLookup, or some other such mechanism).
2. How can a user select a different schedule based on a differnt date/week#.
3. How can I wrap this up neetly / seemlessly. David Pimental
(US, Oh)
What I have done is ...
Created a Main Form that has 5 subforms, each corresponding to (i.e. containing) the 5 weekdays (i.e. they have daily scheduling information).
Each subform has a half hour range (from 7:30 to 5:30), and a check box, as an indicator of more detail being present.
To see the "more detail" or add "more detail", you just double click the half hour range, and a pop up form appears on your screen.
I have developed form to build the calendar information for the weekly schedule. It builds a month of information at a time. I have one table that determines which months of which years have already been built, another table for the date / day information (date, weekdayname, week#, weekdaynumber, ect), and another table that contains the daily schedule information (half hour segments, appointment type, customer name, ect).
My dilema, is that I have setup the subform so that they run on a query based on the Day of the Week (i.e. 5 subforms, 5 days of the Week).
How do I ...
1. How can a user select the default schedule, which would be based on the current week# (which can be gotten from the curent date (using DLookup, or some other such mechanism).
2. How can a user select a different schedule based on a differnt date/week#.
3. How can I wrap this up neetly / seemlessly. David Pimental
(US, Oh)