I will like to protect a telephone system from lightning stroke.
There are a few buildings with underground tel lines. Sometimes, lightning stroke blow the stations connected to the underground lines. I bought TII 763 Indoor Network Interface Device (see address below) Am I using the right thing? I do not wish to ground it since the overcurrent is comming from the groud, am I right? How do I find out wich wire is tip or ring since it is my own underground telephone cable (red or green), do I have to bother about that when I install TII 763?
Any expert???
I will like to protect a telephone system from lightning stroke.
There are a few buildings with underground tel lines. Sometimes, lightning stroke blow the stations connected to the underground lines. I bought TII 763 Indoor Network Interface Device (see address below) Am I using the right thing? I do not wish to ground it since the overcurrent is comming from the groud, am I right? How do I find out wich wire is tip or ring since it is my own underground telephone cable (red or green), do I have to bother about that when I install TII 763?
Any expert???