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Life as I know it is over ... Exchange nightmare! 1

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Feb 1, 2002
I'd say this one is up there in terms of difficulty -

So a client of mine was running exchange 2000 on a windows 2000 server that bit the dust and wasn't backed up. I went in and installed a Win 2003 server on a new machine w/ exchange 2003 on it... The dead machine was the only DC on their small network so I made the 2003 server a dc - the only one - I know I'm breaking recommended deployment practices but that's how they want it that's what they can afford.

In essence I was instructed to create a new domain with the same exact name as the old domain - Did that - rejoined all workstations to the new domain everything is is fine there. However the part I'm writing about is what I was asked to do next. Basically the guy wants me to try and recover the old exchange data as much as possible.

I was able to get the old system running and the entire exchange folders are all there in one piece. There's no chance of recovering the Server OS from before. So my question is how the heck might I be able to attempt recovery of the old Exchange server perhaps using the new 2003 Server. All I have done so far is basically copy the contents of MDBDATA to a folder in the new system assuming that it will want to have the data locally accessible.

As you can imagine it's a bit of a doozy - years ago I recovered an Exchange 2000 server that had lost it's DC/ Active directory parents but I don't remember what I did and I didn't have the added obstacle of having to deal with things in a new domain where everything is named the same (except for the actual server name in this case.

Use Knoppix or a live on cd version of an OS and copy the priv and pub db files to the new server and mount them.

If Google can't help, nothing can.
Oh, the logs too.

If Google can't help, nothing can.
My question / problem pertains equally to both Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 - Since they are separate forums covering my bases was justified - not everyone will go to both forums like you or I might.

I copied the contents of MDBDATA into the new system - I may be missing something here but what does using some other OS get me? As I mentioned in my original post - I was able to get the machine back up with an OS on different hard drive from an identical machine - Therefore I was able to access all of the Program Files\Exchsrvr\ contents from the old system - I just don't know how I'm going to manage to mount these files so we can recover the data in the Inf Store
In other words - if the active directory no longer exists that the old exchange server was a member of - can I piece it all together and mount the old store in the new system with some isinteg or eseutil type magic or are are the mechanisms in Xch2003 going to get me there without the need to remember archaic commands and so on...
If whomever set up that Exchange 2k server did not listen to any reccomendations, and everything actually IS on the same partition, then you should be able to mount the priv.edb file in the 2k3 Recovery storage group and follow instruction from Microsoft's Exchange 2003 Disaster Recovery document, which is actually a technet briefing you can find here: I understand you are trying to restore a 2000 db to 2003, but this should work if you follow the alternate server recovery method.
Good luck.

To get answers, get to the point, or get Googled.
When you say, "it wasn't backed up". Are you referring to the disk drives on the server, or the information stores?

Just curious.
When I say it wasn't backed up I mean there are no backups to tape or elsewhere of the system, exchange, or whatever. All I have to work with is the actual hard drive that exchange was installed on. I have since then made copies of all that data in case I blow something up in the process but as far as system state , or active directory as it was NADA - Nicht - Nyet
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