I am looking at using our citrix desktop for remote users via a VPN. The users "onsite" are licensed for each device.
Question is do I need to license each remote user, even though they have a license in the office? simply they wont be on site, but remotely. I know there are different permutations of home user rights, but they seem to only apply if the user is on a corporate laptop, not via a citrix session. I have a select agreement but not software assurance.
A minefield you could say!
Question is do I need to license each remote user, even though they have a license in the office? simply they wont be on site, but remotely. I know there are different permutations of home user rights, but they seem to only apply if the user is on a corporate laptop, not via a citrix session. I have a select agreement but not software assurance.
A minefield you could say!