Sorry for my question , but is first time that we have make new license on Mitel 3300 ICP .
I have purchase license from my VAR , friday it send me key-code .
What is procedure for install keycode on system ??
go to the licensing options and click on change
if there is an existing application record and you have internet access then click the retrieve the licenses should then download to the controller for use.
THere is a manual method of licensing requires access to AMC (dealers have it) If manual licensing is done you can't move licenses around until a sync to the AMC is sucessful. Get internet access.
You probably have the new password then
You still need to go to the License options page
Click change
if there is an app record then you need to clear it
update the licenses you have purchased
enter the password from your VAR
click save
if the password matched the options then it will the successful prompt.
As nytalkin has alreasdy pointed out if you are using this method (manual download) your licenses are fixed to the system and cannot be moved until you perform a software upgrade
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