I am not sure what you mean, the licensing service is novells that came with 5.0 it is the licenses for users, I have a 5 and a 10 user license for 5.0 and a 5 user for 5.1 after I added the 5.1 server with the 5 licesnses I get the duplicate licesne error.
I read through the Novell tec info, what I found I have is under my tree I have Server_1 with "Novell+Newtork 5 Conn Scl+500, and a Novell+Newtork 5 Con Scl+510" then under that for the Office Server I have a "Novell+Network 5 Conn Scl+510" The Server_1 is the 5.0 server and the Office server is the new 5.1 server. Under the Scl+510 on both servers have the same Licence serial number, this must be where I am getting the duplicate licence problem, but which server should the licence for the 5.1 reside on? The Server_1 because it is the main server in the tree or the Office server because that is the one the licence goes with???
You don't have to install the license on the server itself. It lives in NDS and all servers can use it, up to the connection limit. The servers will walk the tree to find a license. You can't have 2 licenses with the same #. Install the 5.1 license in the context where your 5.1 server is installed or above it in the tree.
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