The LED on one of the three hard drives installed in our server is flashing RED in color, the other are green, BTW the HD's are installed as RAID 5 config...
Thinking the HD had failed, I went into the RAID CONFIG UTILIRY during boot up in order to rebuild the failed drive...but the utility indicates that there are no problems and that all 3 drives are online, I also ran the HP's Full Diagnostics utility diskettes created from the HP Net navigator CD on the system, but no problems were reported..???
Hardware manager in Win2k does not report any problems either...
Is there another tool out there that could help me figure out what the problem is...at this point I’m thinking it's some kind of short...
Thank you and happy holidays
The LED on one of the three hard drives installed in our server is flashing RED in color, the other are green, BTW the HD's are installed as RAID 5 config...
Thinking the HD had failed, I went into the RAID CONFIG UTILIRY during boot up in order to rebuild the failed drive...but the utility indicates that there are no problems and that all 3 drives are online, I also ran the HP's Full Diagnostics utility diskettes created from the HP Net navigator CD on the system, but no problems were reported..???
Hardware manager in Win2k does not report any problems either...
Is there another tool out there that could help me figure out what the problem is...at this point I’m thinking it's some kind of short...
Thank you and happy holidays