If you are using 3200 or greater you should be using command 14 and not command 10.
You can look in the System Hardware/installation manual there is a diagram that shows how the Lens Layout.
you can always write your own list up using excel and the mach script editor.
In cell A1 put 10 then in cell B1 put 000 then extend both columns down till column B reaches a total of 763 but make sure column A remains 10 all the way down. If you want to tidy things up you should then delete out the lines with X64 to X99 in the B column (X being the hundreds digit for each 100). Then in cell E1 put a * and extend that down. You can then save this as a CSV file.
If you then open matworx and start the mach script editor you can import this file and run it. It will warn you that the system will be modified but as we haven't put in any second data in column C nothing will be changed and after running the existing data will be shown. you can then export or print this as normal. If you wnt details for Cmd 11 you can tag those on the end of the excel file or create a seperate one in the same way.
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