We are using Legato Replistor 5.3 over the WAN to one target system. On all our source systems we get this error in the log at the same time several times a day (see below). The target system is becoming blocked and then unblocked again. As I can see there is no problem with the communications. I really don't know were to start looking.
"Blocking site X at (RcvIamAlive). Binding . Reason: Site X comm failed due to Communications error. Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
The site <X> is now blocked for the reason specified in the Windows error
text. This is usually a communications failure of some sort. <RcvIamAlive> represents what
the send process was doing at the time of the failure. <> is the protocol in use
at the time of the failure. <Site X comm failed due to Communications error. Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.> is the reason the site is blocked if not due to a
Windows error code.
We are using Legato Replistor 5.3 over the WAN to one target system. On all our source systems we get this error in the log at the same time several times a day (see below). The target system is becoming blocked and then unblocked again. As I can see there is no problem with the communications. I really don't know were to start looking.
"Blocking site X at (RcvIamAlive). Binding . Reason: Site X comm failed due to Communications error. Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
The site <X> is now blocked for the reason specified in the Windows error
text. This is usually a communications failure of some sort. <RcvIamAlive> represents what
the send process was doing at the time of the failure. <> is the protocol in use
at the time of the failure. <Site X comm failed due to Communications error. Windows-text: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.> is the reason the site is blocked if not due to a
Windows error code.