I would like to know the meaning of the 1st byte of MAC address. All NIC MAC addresses I've ever seen start with 00 or 08. I tried setting MAC address of my machine to 01:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, and I lost TCP/IP connection. The only clue I got was a message on the network switch, which indicated that this MAC address was recognized as multicast. Is there a way to work around? I need MAC address to start with 01 in order for node-locked license to work.
I would like to know the meaning of the 1st byte of MAC address. All NIC MAC addresses I've ever seen start with 00 or 08. I tried setting MAC address of my machine to 01:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, and I lost TCP/IP connection. The only clue I got was a message on the network switch, which indicated that this MAC address was recognized as multicast. Is there a way to work around? I need MAC address to start with 01 in order for node-locked license to work.