It's been an age since I've used Crystal Reports and it seems I've forgotten some of the basics.
I've got 2 tables (in an SQL Server database) - a header and detail table (let's call them HEAD and DETAIL).
I've set these up via the 'Database Expert' - 'Links' option linking the 2 tables with a 'Left Outer Join'.
If I then set up a 'Report' - 'Select Expert' selection criteria against the DETAIL table (i.e. "DETAIL_TYPE = 'TYPE1'") I then find that when I run my report I onlt get details of those HEAD entries where I have associated entries in the DETAIL table with a DETAIL_TYPE of 'TYPE1'.
If no DETAIL entries exist with this type then the associated HEAD entry is not output.
How (in Crystal Reports) can I ensure that I get a full list of all HEAD records - regardless of whether we have any DETAIL entries like this?
I want to set up a group (per HEAD entry) and then list all entries in DETAIL with a DETAIL_TYPE of 'TYPE1' - if there are none (for the HEAD entry) then the detail section would be blank - but the group header / footer should still show.
Can anyone suggest how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,
I've got 2 tables (in an SQL Server database) - a header and detail table (let's call them HEAD and DETAIL).
I've set these up via the 'Database Expert' - 'Links' option linking the 2 tables with a 'Left Outer Join'.
If I then set up a 'Report' - 'Select Expert' selection criteria against the DETAIL table (i.e. "DETAIL_TYPE = 'TYPE1'") I then find that when I run my report I onlt get details of those HEAD entries where I have associated entries in the DETAIL table with a DETAIL_TYPE of 'TYPE1'.
If no DETAIL entries exist with this type then the associated HEAD entry is not output.
How (in Crystal Reports) can I ensure that I get a full list of all HEAD records - regardless of whether we have any DETAIL entries like this?
I want to set up a group (per HEAD entry) and then list all entries in DETAIL with a DETAIL_TYPE of 'TYPE1' - if there are none (for the HEAD entry) then the detail section would be blank - but the group header / footer should still show.
Can anyone suggest how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,