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Jan 4, 2006
Back story:
I have a NASTY query I'm working with.
It's a "straight" select and it's over 800 lines long.

There are approx 50 left joins to a kev/value table by GUID

SELECT col47.Value MySpecialColumn
left join dbo.myLookupTable col47 (NOLOCK) on
  col47.[ID] = myBaseTable.ID   

I had tried turning this on it's side with:
   THEN cols.Value ELSE '' END) MySpecialColumn
LEFT JOIN dbo.myLookupTable cols (NOLOCK) on
  cols.[ID] = myBaseTable.ID
GROUP BY myBaseTable.ID

I'm not seeing much improvement, and as expected, my memory usage went through the roof.

I'm going to pull the code bits out into a temp table, and then join on them, but am looking for any suggestions.


A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
I assume the NASTY query is joining to other tables too, not just the myBastTable and myLookupTable. Is this true?

You may want to isolate the data from the lookup table in to a CTE or derived table. Also make sure you have good indexes on the lookup table.

Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
There are about 30 tables, besides the Lookup table.

There were several

Select 'A' Col1, 'B' Col2, ...
(select top max(col)
from dbo.SomeTable
where [red]dbo.SomeTable.ID = mbt.ID[/red]
order by DateField Desc) as Col23
, 'X' Col 24, ...
FROM dbo.MyBaseTable mbt

I turned these into derived tables and join them, which helped a little.

My biggest problem seems to be the data itself. Some of the raw selects out of the tables just take way longer than expected.

A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
Actually... your code sample shows a subquery, not a derived table. subqueries are usually a lot slower than derived tables because they are calculated for each row instead of set based.

It seems like you are trying not to give out too much information about your query, but seeing more of the code would certainly help.

Also, can you share with me what the indexes look like on the lookup table:

sp_helpindex 'myLookupTable'

Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
They were subqueries, both in the projection list and in the joins. I turned them into derived tables and joined those, which helped.

It takes about 5 mins to "cross-tab" the entire lookup table.
I wind up with about 100k rows (70 columns)

"Should" I be better off putting the cross tab in a temp (either physical or memory) or putting it in as a derived table?

I'm about 1/2 done rewritting the query to use a physical temp table (so i didn't have to write the projection list into the table)

Except for the LookUp table it's joins on straight primary keys, which are clustered. I'm faily certain the bulk of my issue is with the LookUp and a similar Status table.

The worse part about this is each of the components works well, but putting it all together and it just drags.

A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
Temp table, table variable, derived table, OH MY.

I've been messing with SQL a ling time now and I still get it wrong sometimes. Usually derived tables perform better than temp tables and table variables. Table variables often times perform better than temp tables. There are exceptions to all the rules though. The only way to know for sure it to try each way. Trying it all is time consuming, so I usually only do that for queries I really need to improve the performance on.

Just a thought... have you updated statistics lately?

Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
Yeah. (statistics and indexes are pretty clean)

The baseline query (i was told) runs for 1 hour in production.
It ran for 2 hrs on the dev machine.

I'm retooling the statuses part now, so i can get rid of the group by all together.

I'm starting with temp tables, and will try table variables if I don't get some massive improvement.

Thanks gmmastros

A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
I suggest to put intermediate result (before cross-tabbing it) into a temp table. I did recently optimized several complex reports and I found that materializing intermediate result into a temp table helps a lot.

In addition, sometimes there is no way to make UDF perform as good as stored procedure exactly because of these considerations.

There are several threads on MSDN forum in regards to this problem. Try searching on 'CTE temp tables MSDN forum'

PluralSight Learning Library
Are you suggesting filtering, possibly in a derived table, prior to the cross-tab, to speed it up? It's about 5 mins for the cross-tab, which I find ridiculous.

I'm down to about 30mins, from 2hrs, so I'm feeling better, but I have more things I can clean up.

Suggestions on turning a Clustered Index Scan to a Clustered Index Seek when it's a straight x.ID = y.ID?

BTW, thanks for the tips today.

A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
Yes, before doing a cross-tab (PIVOT), try putting the results into temp table.

BTW, how exactly you're doing PIVOT?

Also, if you can split complex select into parts, it may help.
And, of course, don't use subqueries as projections.

PluralSight Learning Library
Interestingly enough, putting one of the smaller cross tabs into a table variable vs a temp table degraded performance.

I have a couple more optimizations to make yet, but I think I'm just about there.

Thanks for the help along the way guys.

A lack of experience doesn't prevent you from doing a good job.
Smaller usually is better in table variables. Did you try putting an index on the table variable? You cannot index a table variable in the same way you index real tables or even temp tables. With a table variable, you can create a primary key which is implemented with an index, like this:

Declare @Temp Table(RowId Int Identity(1,1), Data VarChar(20), Primary Key(Data, RowId))

Notice that I introduced an identity column. This is important because you need a primary key which must be unique. My including an identity column and including that in the primary key, you are guaranteed to get a unique primary key.

Like everything else, this does not guarantee improved performance, but I have used this trick quite a few times in my code to improve performance.

It's worth a shot.

Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My Blogs
"The great things about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Fortune Cookie Wisdom
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