Does anyone have a list of lec/clec circuit I.D. type?
Im trying to clean up & ID an old frame with a boat load of old circuits from every carrier out their...
I had a list years back---(can't find it-probably buried in a box in my garage!!)
Circuits will have multiple i.d.'s if from a carrier other than the lec.
The letters before the #'s id what type of circuit it is.
Im hoping someone out there has a list of these circuit types.
Im trying to clean up & ID an old frame with a boat load of old circuits from every carrier out their...
I had a list years back---(can't find it-probably buried in a box in my garage!!)
Circuits will have multiple i.d.'s if from a carrier other than the lec.
The letters before the #'s id what type of circuit it is.
Im hoping someone out there has a list of these circuit types.