Need to learn about Local Networks & Data Bases in order to decide purchase of Operating Sistems & language to learn for re-writing for modern enviroment and machines, Apps we have been using, mostly in DOS - FoxBase.
I have a general engineering background, but except for a course in Fortran IV back in 67, I've taught myself all the programing I know from books and experience. Lot off Foxbase; some Access, VB, Clipper..
I searched the web for on-line courses but prices are unreasonable for me. Looked for books and finally decided to buy from NOVELL one "Introduction to Networking". For the $ 295 price I thought I was getting something like a McGraw Hill manual. What I got was a Mickey Mouse "Student Manual". What a fiasco! Lost my money, could have bought a Lynux server for that ammount!
Do not want to get burned again. Any advise on what to read to:
- better understand things as the relation between say Access and MS SQL Server, or between Delphi and Interbase?
- selecting and managing small LAN's, say NetWare for 5 stations vs WindowsNT, etc. Managing Servers and Clients, Local network security, and designing Apps to run on small local area networks.
- Understanding the terminology and gaining usefull knowledge, on things like ODBC, GNU, DDL, GUI management, XML, API, etc.
Need to learn about Local Networks & Data Bases in order to decide purchase of Operating Sistems & language to learn for re-writing for modern enviroment and machines, Apps we have been using, mostly in DOS - FoxBase.
I have a general engineering background, but except for a course in Fortran IV back in 67, I've taught myself all the programing I know from books and experience. Lot off Foxbase; some Access, VB, Clipper..
I searched the web for on-line courses but prices are unreasonable for me. Looked for books and finally decided to buy from NOVELL one "Introduction to Networking". For the $ 295 price I thought I was getting something like a McGraw Hill manual. What I got was a Mickey Mouse "Student Manual". What a fiasco! Lost my money, could have bought a Lynux server for that ammount!
Do not want to get burned again. Any advise on what to read to:
- better understand things as the relation between say Access and MS SQL Server, or between Delphi and Interbase?
- selecting and managing small LAN's, say NetWare for 5 stations vs WindowsNT, etc. Managing Servers and Clients, Local network security, and designing Apps to run on small local area networks.
- Understanding the terminology and gaining usefull knowledge, on things like ODBC, GNU, DDL, GUI management, XML, API, etc.